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sensix::sensing::Sensory Interface Reference

import "sensing.idl";

Inheritance diagram for sensix::sensing::Sensory:

sensix::Functor sensix::Functor sensix::sensing::Aggregate sensix::sensing::Aggregate sensix::sensing::Collection sensix::sensing::Collection sensix::sensing::Sense sensix::sensing::Sense sensix::sensing::SensoryImpl sensix::sensing::AggregateImpl sensix::sensing::Delta sensix::sensing::Delta sensix::sensing::Lambda sensix::sensing::Lambda sensix::sensing::Mean sensix::sensing::Mean sensix::sensing::Recite sensix::sensing::Recite sensix::sensing::Sigma sensix::sensing::Sigma sensix::sensing::Sum sensix::sensing::Sum sensix::sensing::AggregateImpl sensix::sensing::Delta sensix::sensing::Delta sensix::sensing::Lambda sensix::sensing::Lambda sensix::sensing::Mean sensix::sensing::Mean sensix::sensing::Recite sensix::sensing::Recite sensix::sensing::Sigma sensix::sensing::Sigma sensix::sensing::Sum sensix::sensing::Sum sensix::sensing::CollectionImpl sensix::sensing::SpatialSeries sensix::sensing::SpatialSeries sensix::sensing::TimeSeries sensix::sensing::TimeSeries sensix::sensing::CollectionImpl sensix::sensing::SpatialSeries sensix::sensing::SpatialSeries sensix::sensing::TimeSeries sensix::sensing::TimeSeries sensix::sensing::PeakSense sensix::sensing::PeakSense sensix::sensing::SenseImpl sensix::sensing::PeakSense sensix::sensing::PeakSense sensix::sensing::SenseImpl

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Sensory (byte l, byte s, Functor[] subfs)
 Sensory (byte l, byte s)
 Sensory (Functor[] subfs)
 Sensory ()
 Sensory (byte l, byte s, Functor[] subfs, int seq)
 Sensory (byte l, byte s, int seq)
byte level ()
byte sensor ()
long timeused ()
void timeused (long t)
double energyused ()
void energyused (double e)

Public Attributes

const octet ID = INVALID
readonly attribute octet level
readonly attribute octet sensor
attribute unsigned long long timeused
attribute double energyused

Protected Attributes

byte sense
byte h_level
long time
double energy
double value

Detailed Description

Definition at line 40 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

sensix::sensing::Sensory::Sensory ( byte  l,
byte  s,
Functor[]  subfs 

Definition at line 49 of file

sensix::sensing::Sensory::Sensory ( byte  l,
byte  s 

Definition at line 55 of file

sensix::sensing::Sensory::Sensory ( Functor[]  subfs  ) 

Definition at line 61 of file

sensix::sensing::Sensory::Sensory (  ) 

Definition at line 67 of file

sensix::sensing::Sensory::Sensory ( byte  l,
byte  s,
Functor[]  subfs,
int  seq 

Definition at line 73 of file

sensix::sensing::Sensory::Sensory ( byte  l,
byte  s,
int  seq 

Definition at line 79 of file

Member Function Documentation

void sensix::sensing::Sensory::timeused ( long  t  ) 

Implemented in sensix::sensing::Aggregate, and sensix::sensing::Collection.

Definition at line 98 of file

Member Data Documentation

Implemented in sensix::sensing::SensoryImpl, and sensix::sensing::Collection.

Definition at line 42 of file

Implemented in sensix::sensing::SensoryImpl.

Definition at line 43 of file

Implemented in sensix::sensing::SensoryImpl.

Definition at line 45 of file

double sensix::sensing::Sensory::value [protected]

Implemented in sensix::sensing::SensoryImpl.

Definition at line 46 of file

readonly attribute octet sensix::sensing::Sensory::level

Definition at line 74 of file sensing.idl.

readonly attribute octet sensix::sensing::Sensory::sensor

Definition at line 75 of file sensing.idl.

attribute unsigned long long sensix::sensing::Sensory::timeused

Definition at line 76 of file sensing.idl.

Definition at line 77 of file sensing.idl.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following files:
  • /home/brennan/Software/sensix/source/C^4/sensix/sensing/
  • /home/brennan/Software/sensix/source/sensing.idl

© 2008, Los Alamos National Security, LLC.