Wireless Sensor Network Middleware


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sensix::sensing Namespace Reference


interface  Aggregate
interface  Collection
interface  Delta
interface  Lambda
interface  Location
interface  Mean
class  PeakParams
interface  PeakSense
interface  Power
interface  Recite
interface  Sense
class  SenseParams
interface  Sensory
class  SerialGPS
interface  Sigma
class  SpatialParams
interface  SpatialSeries
interface  Sum
class  TimeParams
interface  TimeSeries
class  SensoryImpl
class  CollectionImpl
class  AggregateImpl
class  SenseImpl
class  PeakSenseImpl
class  TimeSeriesImpl
class  SpatialSeriesImpl
class  ReciteImpl
class  SumImpl
class  DeltaImpl
class  MeanImpl
class  SigmaImpl
class  LambdaImpl
class  LocationImpl
class  PowerImpl


typedef sequence< SensorySensoryList
typedef sequence< CollectionCollectionList
typedef sequence< octet > Bytecode

Typedef Documentation

typedef sequence<octet> sensix::sensing::Bytecode

Definition at line 156 of file sensing.idl.

Definition at line 106 of file sensing.idl.

Definition at line 78 of file sensing.idl.

© 2008, Los Alamos National Security, LLC.